Published work

"Compost Song" and "What Filtering Is" will appear in the print and online issues of Bombay Gin, summer 2025.

"How to Know You Are Done" appeared in the "Presto" issue of Half Mystic (Summer 2024).

"Carry" was named a finalist for the AfterHours Press 2023 Mary Blinn Poetry Prize, and appeared in the print issue (Summer 2023).

"Looking up a Dream in the Symbol Dictionary" appeared in the 2023 print issue of Heavy Feather Review (October 2023).

"Nature invented bodies so water could party" and "Ash and Ember" appeared in the Fall 2022 issue of Jet Fuel Review (December 2023).

"At the End You Must Make a Choice" appeared in Issue IV of the Jupiter Review (September 2022).

"Nothing Gold poembox" appeared in Cutbow Quarterly (September 2022).

"Lake House as Hourglass," "Seeds," and "Gun Control" appeared in Issue 2 of The Champagne Room (June 2022). Read a conversation with the editors about the work.

"That Sound Again" appeared in Dream Pop Journal (March 2022).

"How to Run Away" appeared in Nightingale & Sparrow’s l'appel-du-vide issue (February 2022).

"Closure Glossary" visual poem appeared in *Apo-press. issue 1, Re-knewing (December 2021).

"Transubstantiation" poembox appeared in Moonchild Magazine (November 2021).

"A Breeding Ground, A Grow House, a Nursery" appeared in the Solitude issue of Tiny Spoon (Winter 2020/2021). Watch a video of the issue launch reading.

"Leverage" and "How to Build a Poem from Sticks and Watermusic" appeared in Issue 3, the Water issue, of BlueHouse Journal (November 2020).

Featured poet for "Substitute for a Lost Future" in Kissing Dynamite’s Issue 23 (November 2020).

"That Was the Summer" appeared in Online issue 25 of Gulf Stream (June 2020).

"Out of Reach" appeared in issue #8 of Sinking City (May 2020).

"Deconstruction: Learning Java" appeared in SWWIM (May 2020).

"As Evidence ~ As If" appeared in issue #1 of MmMAha (May 2020).

"whatever this is" appeared in issue 66 of streetcake magazine (April 2020).

"Trash Disposal When Visiting Costa Rica" appeared in Vol. 28 of Faultline (May 2019).

"In the Garden" appeared in Another Chicago Magazine (April 2019).

"When the Time Period Referred to Has Not Finished" appeared in South Broadway Ghost Society (March 2019).

"A Holiday is a Point on a Calendar, Which is a Cycle" appeared in Issue 47 of Rogue Agent Journal (February 2019).

"How to Talk About Trauma" and "Not to Describe but to Embody" appeared in Volume 2: Issue 1 of Inverted Syntax (January 2019).

"Lament of the Preschool Teacher’s Wife" won Pilgrimage Press’s Tarantula Prize for Poetry, published in Volume 42 Issue 1 (January 2019).

"The Burden" appeared in TIMBER issue 9.1 (Winter 2019).

"Souvenirs of Interplanetary Travel," "Creating Distance Where There Was None Before," and "Transfusion" appeared in the Blood issue (Vol. III) of Stain'd Magazine (January 2019).

"State of Change" appeared in the Fall 2018 issue of Inverted Syntax.

"The Rest of Us" appeared in the Vol. 50 Issue 2 (Winter 2017-2018) of The Laurel Review.

"Residue" and "Measuring Pressure: Black Ice in a Red Car" appeared in Issue 35 (Winter 2018) issue of After Hours.

"Drawing (Out) the Poem" appeared in issue 6.3 (Winter 2018) of Storm Cellar.

"Cleaning out the Car" appeared in the Fall 2017 issue of Stoneboat.

"Mango" appeared in the 30th anniversary 2017 issue of Columbia Poetry Review.

"To Dust" appeared in the "Ink & White Space" issue (vol. 40, issue 3) of Pilgrimage, Spring 2017 — watch a video of "To Dust".

"Cycle" appeared in Zone 3, Fall 2015.

"Saving What Is Lost in Translation" appeared in Chronogram, June 2007.

Seven poems appeared in Subsystence Magazine (defunct), 2005 — read two from Subsystence.

"Asthma" appeared in No East Magazine (defunct), 2003.

"Uttanasana" chapbook was published by StillBlackWater Press, June 1998.

Three poems appeared in Montage Literary Arts Journal, Spring 1997.


Visual poetry

"Nothing Gold" poembox appeared in Cutbow Quarterly (September 2022).

"Closure Glossary" visual poem appeared in *Apo-press. issue 1, Re-knewing (December 2021).

"Transubstantiation" poembox appeared in Moonchild Magazine (November 2021, now defunct).

"Cipher" geoboard poem appeared in the Fall 2018 issue of Inverted Syntax.

Poembox project, 2016–present.

A poembox appeared in an exhibition when Claudia Rankine lectured on her book Citizen: An American Lyric in Denver, November, 2017.

Multimedia poem "Helicopters" appeared in Subsystence, 2005.

Three "El Haiku" appeared paired with photographs in No East, 2003: mirrored on me3dia.


“Not Long Before the End” used in Österholm’s Going In set (February 2022).

“How to Know You Are Done” used in Österholm’s Going In set (March 2021).

“Real Isopod Hours” opened The Lone Flanger’s Infinite Refractions x Common Multiverse set for The Endless Cycle of Death and Rebirth (March 2021).

Awards, positions, fellowships

Finalist for the Omnidawn 2024 Poetry Broadside Contest (2024).

Finalist for "Carry" in the AfterHours Press Mary Blinn Poetry Prize (2023).

Pushcart Prize nomination for "A Breeding Ground, A Grow House, a Nursery" in Tiny Spoon (2021).

Semi-finalist, Bateau Press BOOM Chapbook Contest for “The Other Side of the Lake” (2021).

Semi-finalist in the Sundress Press Poetry Broadside Contest for "How to Run Away" (2020).

Pushcart Prize nomination for "How to Talk About Trauma" (2019).

Best of the Net nomination for "State of Change" (2019).

Finalist, Paper Nautilus Vella Chapbook Contest for "On Boxes (And Putting Poems In Them)" (2019).

Winner, Pilgrimage Press’s Tarantula Prize for Poetry (2018).

Managing Editor/Associate Editor, Inverted Syntax (2018–present).

Alice Maxine Bowie Fellowship, Lighthouse Writers Workshop (2016–2017).



Taught an assemblage workshop on making poemboxes at Redline, in conjunction with Denver Talks, supported by Lighthouse Writers Workshop, the City & County of Denver, and the NEA Big Read, 2017. Here’s a writeup of a class.

Gave a talk on "Organizing Your Poetry: Process and Practice" at Lighthouse, April 2017. More here.


Readings & performances

Reading for After Hours Press Summer 2023 issue (on Zoom), August 14, 2023.

Read for Inverted Syntax’s 5 year anniversary, Instagram live, June 2023.

Read and participated in a Q&A for the Issue 2 launch celebration of The Champagne Room, June 2022. Watch a recording of the virtual reading.

Read for the *apo-press Re-knewing issue launch over Zoom, December 2021.

Read for the “Quarantine Dreams (& Nightmares)” virtual poetry reading, April 2020.

Performed the opening invocation ritual with for the Women of Naropa reading, April 2019, Nalanda, Boulder.

Inverted Syntax Spring 2019 issue release reading and party, March 2019, Dikeou Pop-Up Colfax, Denver.

Stain’d reading for the Blood Issue, March 2019, Whitter Cafe, Denver.

Performed poems for The Big Schmoo with at Ubi Sububi Room, Denver, CO, February 2019.

Showed and performed my "Trans(ubstantiation)" poembox at Leon Gallery Talent Show, Denver, CO, May 2018.

Performed an original piece with Stratus Chamber Orchestra, written for collaboration on the "Dreams and Aspirations" concert in Denver, CO, February, 2018 (watch a video or listen to a recording of the performance).

Featured reader at the Alice Maxine Bowie Fellowship closing reading at Lighthouse, Denver, CO, December 2017 (listen to a recording in aiff).

Read at Grand Lake, CO, July 2017.

Read at LitFest, Denver, CO, June 2017.

Read at Lighthouse, Denver, CO, October 2016 (listen to a recording in aiff).

Gapers Block reading, Chicago, IL, June 2003.

Reading for release of "Uttanasana" chapbook with StillBlackWater Press, Ann Arbor, MI, June 1998.

Reading at "For Your Head" rave, Champaign-Urbana, IL, July 1998.